Thu 02.Aug.2012
Bratislava, Slovakia

Hviezdoslav Square
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In the old city, one of the best free entertainment spots in town

We've seen it before, the free-standing art works, the walk-in chess set, the cafes and fountains, the free concerts, strolling people, the old National theater.

And yes, the people taking pictures of people taking pictures.

A Spot of Shopping
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At a supermarket: slightly discognitive spelling of familiar words. Last year's adjacent Puddingy sign has gone missing, but the puddingy themselves are still there.

A poster at my regular cafe / bookstore hang-out.

The Home Neighborhood
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I've mentioned before that my neighborhood is loaded with older, plain buildings, sometimes downright homely. But the trees are old and large enough to give it a human touch.

Zahradnicka ("Garden") Street here is arterial enough to have a couple of trolleybus lines. My apartment is right around the corner at the end of this block.

Looking rightward, Sasinkova Street has somehow got itself a bright pastel paint job to smile back at the graceful old trees.

The Medical Garden
Behind my back in the above two street scenes is a long set of buildings belonging to the Faculty of Medicine at I-don't-know-what university, perhaps nearby Slovak Tech. If you hike an absurdly long way around the buildings and fences, you reach the entrance to a really nice park, which extends right back to just a few meters from the corner we were just standing on.
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I'd come here more often if it were easier to reach from "my" side.



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today's Ripples ...

... raised by this kid on a bicycle.

No pebble tossed, no wind required.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf