Sat 21.Jul.2012
Bratislava, Slovakia

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As Tolkien observed, times that are comfortable and without danger or difficulty don't make much of a tale.

That would be Bratislava lately. The splendid Summer sun is gone; temperature today is 18°, about 65°F, a far cry from the three-digits (°F) of a couple of weeks ago. The drizzle is expected to be gone by Monday.

Believe it when I see it.

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I don't know how to do good rainy and grey photos; they are not my style and there have been no real adventures to tell about.

So here are a few images from before this set in, and then we will catch up on some others I have been sitting on for a bit.

Last Wednesday
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The platform of the Vienna airport train station.

From here, trains run in to Vienna, and also out to the very last Austrian village (Wolfsthal - Wolf Canyon) before the Slovakia border, but not the last ten miles or so into Bratislava. That is what the bus is for.

Little though it looks it, this is the familiar old statue of Mozart in the Burgpark, from the opposite side.

I read recently that the colors in these clouds above the lamp post are a rare thing to see, and even rarer to get a photo of.

Let 'Em Shine!

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Across a beautiful tree-lined boulevard (The Opernring) from the Burgpark, sits the Cafe Opernring, a favorite spot of mine for a coffee and strudel, and a friendly word with the nice old proprietor, who actually recognized me from last year.

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Alternate Ripples.

Last May
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Hotel Savoy (sah-vwah), the view from my floor.

Montparnasse Station, where the bullet trains come and go from Bordeaux. Their ticket staff are helpful and numerous, so I usually buy tickets and reservations here no matter which of the six stations I will actually be leaving from.

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Crème Brulée in the Marais.

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Prev: Sunrise et al -- Up: Table of Contents

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf