Fri 22.Apr.2016
Valencia, Spain

It is the same old story. Finally, a day of bright photophilic sun today in Alicante, in southern Valencia province here in Spain. And as chance would have it, I visited what is probably the city's most photogenic attraction. Result: a huge number of pictures. The only problem is, I still have a few pages of Valencia city to get out.

So here we go...
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This teenage kid is hanging by his hands and maybe feet, from an overpass across Valencia's River Park.

Valencia Oranges really do seem to be the official tree of Valencia.

Not that they lack for bougainvilla.

On The Beach
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Several sand sculptors seem to work the main tourist beach here. ("Here" Valencia, not Alicante, where I am now.) When I passed, each was sprinkling his creation with water to keep it from crumbling faster than necessary in the sun and wind. It is still April, and the wind off the ocean has been pretty stiff most days. Some sculptors used watering cans for the job; this guy had a full-fledged weed sprayer.

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All of the sand sculptors worked along the landward edge of the beach.

The Royal Garden
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When a king loses his kingdom, his former private gardens can become a great public park. Valencia's is much bigger than it looked at first, and pleasant enough.

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The River Park Again
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A Bat-winged Hamburger Snatcher!
If the great late-60's cartoonist Dan O'Neill is out there anywhere, Sir, this one is for you!

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf