Sat 07.Feb.2015
Střibro, Bohemia, Czech Republic

Image dates: June 2014

Waiting for dinner under the awning of a tapas bar on the Costa del Sol on a February evening, chilly, but mild for Europe in February. Let's see if I can get the last of last year's pictures out tonight, before this year's pictures begin to accumulate.

Tonight's locale... Střibro, Bohemia
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First off, how do you pronounce it? (Answer: with practice.) st-ZHEE-bro! ZH sounds like the "s" in "measure". This is the same letter ř that we know from the composer Dvořak, who - surprise! - was Czech. That letter doesn't sound anything like "r", but it has replaced r extensively in the Czech language. Who knows why? Probably not even most modern Czechs. To them it sounds natural.

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Střibro means "silver". There was a major silver mine here centuries ago. In the twentieth century, the silver was long gone, but the town was a major source of uranium. Whoopee. That seems to have passed as well.

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Now Střibro just sits out there in the heavily forested mountains of Bohemia, a stop on the rail line between Pilsen and Marienbad.

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I never felt like I got the hang of the place in the few days I spent there, but goodness knows the old town is picturesque enough. The overcast skies did nothing to help show it, but here we are.

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That is it for last year's pictures. The next post - whenever it comes - should kick off the current season.

I hear that California has finally gotten some desperately-needed rain in the few days since I left.
If I had known, I'd have gone earlier.
See you next time!

Next: Nerja: Back on the Road,
Prev: Malaga Alcazaba -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf