Fri 20.Apr.2012
Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain

Remember the Alcazar (ALKA-zar)!
That wonderful intimate theater in San Francisco on O'Farrell Street. I saw Flanders & Swann there once, before they tore it down and built a tacky motel, (which they had the gall to advertise as "in the theater district").

What? Not that Alcazar?!?
A thousand pardons, folks; we'll try this again.

The Alcazar (al-KAH-sar)!
Royal residence of Moorish governors and Spanish kings. A sprawling complex in the heart of Sevilla, that grew by pieces and stages since the tenth century.
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At 2 EUR a pop for seniors, I could pop in here two or three times a week for many weeks. There are crannies of the palace that I haven't found yet, and vast slabs of the gardens remain terra incognita to me.

Welcome to the basement rainwater cistern named The Baths of Maria Padilla, after King Pedro I's mistress.

This page is certainly no guide to the Alcazar; for one thing, I didn't explore it in any systematic order. I emphasised the gardens the first day, the indoors and courtyards the second, wandering by pure stream of consciousness. The light was mostly overcast and flat, except the last half-hour or so.
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What we have here are random images from random wanderings. Many are not that great as photos - blame it on the flat cloudy light - but the subject is beautiful.

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This woman looked like a very unhappy camper, I don't know over what.

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Looking out toward the gardens.

A narrow lane named Judería leads from the palace courtyard out to the former Jewish quarter.

More Alcazar to come.

Next: More Alcazar
Prev: Un Sol Andaluz -- Up: Table of Contents

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf