Tue 30.Oct.2012
Rhodes, Greece

I appear to be well on the way to becoming virtual uncle to a sweet Swiss six-year-old! The granddaughter of my friend and former neighbor, who now shares an apartment in the modern town with his daughter and the young lady in question.

Time to re-watch the old French movie that, as much as anything, taught me the art of uncling!
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The language issue adds to the adventure of the situation. The kid only really speaks German, including, thank goodness, Schriftdeutsch as well as her family's musical but incomprehensible Swiss highland variant.
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Yesterday we held hands and took a walk around the plaza and then through the maze of twisty little streets, while the grownups sat outside the pub, talking and doing Grownup Stuff.

This uncling gig isn't likely to last long; Mama and Grampa are leaving in a few weeks. And I am a bit nervous about living up to the job; I cannot joke and play on a kid level in German near as smoothly as in English. I can only try to rise to the occasion while it lasts. And enjoy it; little kids are a hoot!
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Don't throw your trash in the OCEAN

Central Port Authority of Rhodes

Down in the neighborhood called Bar Street, most of the bars are preparing to wind down for the winter. A few will remain open, all year and all night. They serve a useful purpose: need a taxi to the airport at four in the morning? There are always a few cabs waiting at the taxi station outside the Harbor Gate, near Bar Street. More than once, I might have missed a flight if it weren't for those all-night disco dungeons.
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Yup... still in Greece...

... and in Rhodes!

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YA hibiscus picture. I am in no danger of running out.

Hmm... look what has appeared in the window of the nearest movieplex!

Mind you, "soon" cannot really be before the release date in mid-December. Thoughtful of them, though. It is a short walk from home, right outside the San Francisco Gate, across the street from the eponymous Catholic church. The same cinema where I saw Deathly Hallows, Part I.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf