Sat 29.Sep.2012
Rhodes, Greece

Departure Point
Walnut Creek, California, at the foot of Mt Diablo.
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A Night in Vienna.
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Comb, Scissors, and Elisabeth

I did not figure out No Rollerblades until the next day, looking my photo.

Back to the island.
Establishing Shots.
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A reminder that I am back in Greece. This small difference is disproportionately jarring to some visitors. Most get used to it pretty quickly.

After Two days and nights on the road, I was sleep deprived, but too buzzed at being here to sleep. I was also antsy at having been 48 hours incommunicado with the folks at home. I set up in the patio here at The Walk Inn and caught up on the usual daily net.activies.

Thanks to Manny for shooting the photo.

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Homemade Pizza
I had actually forgotten how to spell the wi-fi password. One "G", and all uppercase.

Just down the street, the colorful front courtyard of Pension Olympos. This view, through their front gate, will disappear when they close up for the winter season.

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Yes, this looks like Rhodes.

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Moon Over My Jami.
I saw an article that says some agency has allocated a million euros to restore Recep Pasha's Mosque, Jami Recep Pasa in the local language. The allocation has not yet had any visible effect on the mosque itself. It is still as neglected and crumbling as ever.

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Same old Rhodes, with a whole new crop of cats.

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The big difference between now and when I left last February is that tourist season is still in full swing. More on that in the next post.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf