Tue 24.Jan.2012
Rhodes, Greece

Among many responses to the last post, the following called for action.

Is it possible that you could reshoot a bush or vine from not long ago so I can try to identify it!?
It had smallish yellow blossoms. It may be winter jasmine, but am not sure.
Thank you, it is fun to botanize through the photos.

Why not? The bush is still there, and we had a beautiful pre-spring day today for picture-taking.
Rather than devote the entire page to a single bush, I added a few other flora, known and uknown.

The Putative Winter Jasmine
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On some pictures, I darkened the colors to emphasize the outlines of the leaves and petals.

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The leaves.

The stem of the vine-like plant.

See how it climbs up the wall.

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A Bush With Violet-colored Blossoms

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Sorry, I didn't get any good shots of the leaves.

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Some Kind of Yucca.

Another Putative Jasmine.
They look the same to me.

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A Greek-looking name. Just change the last u to o.

Mystery Bush
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Perhaps my resident botany buff can identify and name this colorful green-and-yellow shrub.

It is common here in Rhodes, if less conspicuous than the hibiscus, morning glory, and bougainvillea.

That is it. Hope everybody has enjoyed this botanical diversion.
See you all back at our regular random looks around town.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf