Fri 20.Jan.2012
Rhodes, Greece

On a cloudy, not-so-cold night, a pair of good musicians are making acoustic modern Greek music here in the common room.
In other developments, here are some more pictures from the recent goregeous-but-COLD spell.
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Can cats evolve camoflage coloration in the time the old city has been here? I doubt it. This guy certainly does blend in though.

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Old Walls and Older Still
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St. Anthony's Gate, a.k.a. the Cannon Gate, was an outer gate of the old city, before Grandmaster D'Amboise ordered another more massive gate built outside it in preparatiom for siege by the Ottoman Empire in the 1500's.

Between the two gates, this walkway passes beneath the gauntlet of cannon that you can see poking out of the battlement on the right, under the wall of the Grandmasters' Palace.

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These planks, directly above the Cannon Gate, mark the start of the walk around the old city wall.

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As you can see, the hibisci have been hit by the recent cold weather.

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Is this some kind of laurel tree? From a few meters away it looks like pepper tree, but these leaves dont fit with that. It does not look like a California bay laurel.

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