Thu 20.Oct.2011
Rhodes, Greece

Another lovely day in October in Europe. Good ol' Rhodes!
Today we have a few random scenes from around the old city,
Followed by the beginning of a walk around the top of the city wall.
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This guy isn't really crazy, just posing for his girlfriend to take a picture.

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All right. For extra credit, who can tell me the capital city of Souvlakia?

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Up on the Wall Top
For years now, I have been hoping to find the old city walls open for a walk around the top. This year I found a little sign near the entrance: Tuesday and Saturday mornings 8:00am - 12:00 noon. You'd almost think they don't really want many people up there.
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There is no sign about tickets; I had to ask the ticket taker. Down the walk, and inside the Grandmaster's Palace. Their sign only said Palace tickets (6 EUR). I asked, and got a walls ticket for 2 EUR.

Two well-spent euros.

We have seen the walkway down there before, but never from up here.

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Like the moat, the wall comes in inner and outer layers in places. Near the start of the walk is a whole section of ruined city, outside this part of the wall, but with another section of wall outside it.

Looking down on the city side of the wall:
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Left: Somebody's empty swimming pool.

Center: Grass growing in the back yard of a crumbling two-story Ottoman style house.

Right: Looking along the moat on the outside of the wall.

Next: The High Wide Road
Prev: Afternoon Light -- Up: Master Index

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf