Wed 29.Jan.2020
Rhodes, Greece

Happy 2020, everybody!

A leisurely cold January here in Rhodes.
It looks a lot like every other January here. So here we go.
Most of tonight's pictures have appeared on Facebook.
They are all new here in these pages.
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Every now and then, some business' gadget that reads payment cards is out of service, and you are likely to see a sign like this, warning you to pay cash. The abbreviation for card reader gains something in translation!

The Mandraki windmills sported their usual Christmas decorations during the usual Christmas season. I'll give the local authorities credit - you almost never see Christmas hoo-haw before December.

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The lighting can make a big difference in the look and feel of the fountain in the "main" square of the old city.

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That is true of the harbor too. Here we are in afternoon light ...

... and at evening.

Other Islands
Here there be dodecahedrons.
Rhodes is the big island (and administrative capital) of the Dodecanese group.
The smaller islands have their own charm. Some of them are a convenient day-trip from Rhodes.
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Nisyros again ...
known for its volcanic and often colorful geology

... and now Chalki.

We'll be on Chalki for the rest of the page.

Pretty little place, isn't it?

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Chalki has no natural drinking water supply! Until 2014, all drinking water was imported from Rhodes. Now a desalination plant provides good tap water. I understand that some bottled water is still imported.

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I got carried away with Chalki harbor.
Each picture felt too nice to ignore!

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This li'l boatlet leaving Chalki was probably not going as far as Rhodes.
I use it here as a stand-in for the big catamaran ferry that my friend and I rode back to the Big Island at the end of the day.

Next: A Photo Expo
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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf