Tue 05.May.2015
Rhodes, Greece

A bunch of signs have caught my eye lately, so today's page is mostly signspotting, with emphasis on the variety of languages that show up in public here..
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Lindos is a popular destination for day trips from Rhodes Town. Rightly so; Lindos was one of the three ancient city-states that founded Rhodes as the capital of their union in the 408 B.C.

This cruise boat pitches to Germans and Anglophones.

LINDOS, Kallithea, Anthony Quinn, and stuff I don't understand. This nearby sign isn't in Greek - they are pitching to Russians. I don't remember whether it is for the same boat. Mandraki harbor is full of charter yachts offering cruises to Lindos and other destinations in the Dodecanese islands.

Yes, there is a beach on this island named for Anthony Quinn!

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If you don't care where you go, as long as there is booze and the opposite sex, you too can be accommodated.

These are two separate, adjacent boats.

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I have no idea what this monument represents. The text is hard enough to read that I have never made the effort. To paraphrase John Lennon, "Got to be profound, 'cause he's so hard to read."

At the very northern tip of the island!

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Finns to the left ...

Finns to the right

(With apologies to Jimmy Buffett)

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The buffet may be Greek, but the flags are Danish and Norwegian...

... as befits the name of the establishment.

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Finnish without finish, so to speak.

A place to go that's just like home!
Garrison Keillor would be proud!

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Less than a week left here, and I am sitting on well over a hundred photos, among which are several pages worth that I want to post. You may be seeing Rhodes pages during slow periods, well after I am gone from here.

Time will tell!

Next: Rhodes - Dancing Waters
Prev: Rhodes - the End of April -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf