Sat 25.Apr.2015
Rhodes, Greece

Yikes! Barely two weeks to go in Rhodes, and I am sitting on about three pages worth of pictures in the queue. Without Furthur ado ...

The Maze of Medieval Passages
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The Northern Fortifications
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Public exercise equipment in the Wood Between the Worlds outside the moat.

On the windy (west) side of the New Town.
More from around here in a post to come.

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Food, Drink, and Time to Enjoy Them
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The name is pronounced MEEK-ess. That is Greek for you.

This one is pronounced The Walk Inn. If you come to Rhodes, spend a few euros here. They deserve it, and you get a friendly place with the best pub food in town - probably on the island, maybe in Greece.

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All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf