Sat 19.Oct.2013
Rhodes, Greece

There is an element of excitement attending a voyage to Rhodes
arising from the uncertainty which exists with regard to reaching that island.
- Rev. Fanshawe Tozer, 1890
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A one-theme set of photos tonight, with a story behind it.

About forty years ago I read and loved Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria novels. I've been aware that Durrell lived here in Rhodes for a time, and had written a well-regarded book about the island.

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A friend here has loaned me that book, and I am finding myself engrossed in it. Durrell's love of Rhodes shines through, and he has done his research of the island's long and complex history. I shall probably borrow shamelessly from him in my future posts from here.

I actually found - on the second try - the little house that Durrell lived in here, set back into the grounds of a small mosque, behind a grove of eucalyptus and cypress and rhododendron. The next day, I reached the chapter that describes the house and its site.

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I had thought to lace this page with quotes from the chapter describing the grounds of Villa Cleobolus, as Durrell's little house is called.

I've reconsidered, both for the tedium of manually transcribing, and for vague worries about where the limits are, beyond which lie lawyers and copyrights.

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Suffice it to say that all of these photos are from those premises.

Also that if you want prose to take you vicariously to and around Rhodes, mine is not it. Find Reflections on a Marine Venus, ignore the odd title, and savor some writing worthy of this special island on the edge of Europe.

The stories behind the building of the famous Colossus, and the much later coming of the Knights of St John are worth the price by themselves.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf