Fri 08.Feb.2013
Rhodes, Greece

A lot of catching up to do here. My former photo hosting site made changes that made them no longer work for new pages. The new site and system have meant changes in my routine for producing these pages. I still don't have it down to a system. I can get pages out, but the process is still laborious. Updating scripts and method will keep me occupied while I am here in California for March.

Enough with excuses. Here is a page I prepared in early February.

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Olives at last Thursday's street market. I have seen olives at markets here in Rhodes, and in Athens, but I have never seen just one kind of olive. In Greece olives come in many styles and varieties, none of which I understand enough to explain. They are all good, though.

If only they had the Spanish tradition of stuffing olives with garlic!

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I am sure this is as good as everything else my host cooks, which is better than any pizza pub has any right to expect.

Still, for a hepatitis survivor, the expression Liver in Wine Sauce can be taken too many ways for comfort.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf