Sun 20.Jan.2013
Rhodes, Greece

Going into my last month here for this season. At this date and time next month, I should be in the air between Athens and Paris, en route to California three days later.
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For now, let's glance back at a bright clear week, before catching up to the current ripply one.
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A recent post-rainy day, with variable afternoon light.
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This guy was complaining voluminously about the weather service. Like Heinlein's cat in The Door Into Summer, Ginger here holds us responsible for food and weather; he is in charge of everything else.

Ripples and shadows down on Platonos Square.

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Right back home on Dorieos Square. A crumbling old mosque may be a historic and artistic tragedy, but it is hard to beat for local color.

If C. Monet had not had a perfectly good cathedral in Rouen, he could have painted changing light here pretty nicely.

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As a friend just remarked, who knew brown could be so luminous?

Time to come up for air and a sip of something. There are options for many tastes.
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Standard cafe on the main tourist square.

Health food store between the old city and the supermarket. Despite the fact that a friend works there, I have no idea what those things listed on the sign are.

Later: I looked them up.

I am never doing that again without a functioning Greek keyboard!

Neither do I know whether this is classy, middling, or rotgut ouzo. The label does look just a bit tacky, but that might change as you become familiar with it, or with the contents behind it.

It is probably just as well that my liver is never going to find out; I never have liked the flavor of licorice.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf