Sat 27.Jul.2019
Prague, Czechia
Imagery June 7-19, 2019

For the record, I am still here in Slovakia. Tonight's pictures are from last month (June) in Czechia. I have two or three pages worth of pix from Prague, that most photogenic of cities.
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As an old song says, my window faces the south. From up here on the fifth floor, I have a slightly fragmented view of the outer city.

A short tram ride - or a longish walk - takes me to the heart of the city. It is a warm hazy day, and people are out in rental boats on the river.

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A couple of big baby sculptures crawl around near the river. I think they are spares for the babies on the Žižkov TV tower, which we'll get to in a moment.

On the Charles Bridge
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A few of the old landmarks around town have been getting cleaned for the first time since the industrial age began. One of these, a sculpture on the Charles Bridge, stands opposite one of its soot-encrusted counterparts. The newly-washed one glows so-o beautifully!

I hope this trend spreads. The awesome Powder Tower would be a awsomer still if you could actually see it. And the rest of this wonderful bridge!

No pictures of the Powder Tower this time. Mea culpa!

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Second Ugliest Building
An ironic landmark for a famously beautiful city.
Google "second-ugliest building images"! When I tried it, The Žižkov TV tower came up more than all others together.

What's with the babies? They were added in post-communist times, to lighten the ugliness. It seems to have worked. The babies are popular. Last year they were missing -- out for refurbishing. Welcome back, kids!

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Eyes Of The World

[Good] King Wenceslas looks out
on his feets uneven.

He evidently had a fashion barber from the 1970's.

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The city hall of Nove Mesto district.
From Charles Square.

The bank of the Vltava, near the old Jewish quarter.

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Hare Friday! Hare Hare Friday Friday!

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Standing in a shaft of light! After a rain.

After the same rain.
This should be called Sydney, the Green Street.

As I said
Prague is a photogenic city.
There are a couple more pages coming.
I expect to squeeze in some current pix from Bratislava among them.

Next: Prague - Scattershots
Prev: Bohemian Spa Town -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2019 Jeff Bulf