Thu 12.Aug.2010
Poprad, Slovakia
Up in the Valley
2205 ft high or not, Poprad sits in a broad valley, that of the Poprad River, which looks more like a creek after the Vah (in Trenčin), to say nothing of the Danube. It is a real purty creek of a river.
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Right outside of town begin the High Tatras, Slovakia's jaggedy raggedy mountains, on the border with Poland.

Somewhere up there is the highest peak in the entire Carpathians.

We have finally left behind the sunflowers and wheatfields.

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Even the local football club has a spectacular view from its modest stadium.

The heart of the town, St. Egidius' (who he?) square, is too built-up to see the mountains, but it is a pleasant enough place nonetheless.

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"Square "is almost a mis-nomer. They've pedestrianized the two streets on either side of the old town square, for about three or four hundred meters both east and west, and filled in with lawns, fountains etc.

A heart of town friendly to footgoers, no question about it.

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Home Sweet Workers' Hostel
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I've come full circle. My first summer ever in Europe, 1965, I lived in a dorm for foreign "guest" workers at the factory I worked at. (Yes, as a "guest worker" - yrs trly was an industrial bracero in Europe between terms at Berkeley.)

A lot of Poprad is industrial and pretty shabby looking. Even the golden evening sunlight cannot disguise the fact that migrant workers don't get buisness-class aesthetics. But we are up to health, safety, and sanitation code, even if this will never be mistaken for a Swiss establishment.

Anyway, it is seriously cheap, and my budget can use it.

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