Tue 23.Apr.2013
Paris, France

Yikes! Here I am in Sevilla, Spain, sitting on a pile of pictures from the past week in Cordoba, and these Paris images aren't even up yet. Time to get going.

You can blame the last day of delay on the deeply unreliable wi-fi connection at my otherwise admirable cheapie hotel here in Sevilla. I was about to upload this page last night when the connection gave out. So you are getting it tonight instead, from a Starbucks-like coffee house at a corner with the colorful name of Puerta de la Carne - Gate of the Meat. Who could make this stuff up?
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Sainte Chapelle
From a bus window I noticed something surprising - no queue on the sidewalk outside the Sainte Chapelle. I took this for a dancing lesson from the gods; I was supposed to visit the Sainte Chapelle that day.

Paris' high-gothic gem is being restored, mostly by washing and repairing the exquisite stained glass windows. The finished parts glow now with the light they were designed for. Gorgeous!

The story goes that some enterprising Turk sold one of the medieval King Louis (Saint Louis, no less!) Jesus' Crown of Thorns, perhaps throwing in the future Brooklyn Bridge for good measure. Over the centuries, the crown proved a worthless fraud. But the chapel that Louis built to hold it ... that is one of the wonders of Paris.
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The Jardin des Plantes, originally a source of medicinal plants, is now a park.

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The oddly asymmetric towers of St. Sulpice church.

A photographer and his model caught me taking pictures of them taking pictures. We all got a good laugh and a wave out of it.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf