Thu 30.Jun.2016
Orvieto, Umbria, Italy

I promised more of the Orveto cathedral.
Thing is, the building is so rich in detail that once I start, it is hard to leave stuff out.
But I don't want to do a whole page of cathedral pictures.

Here goes!
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I know nothing at all about the history of this cathedral, or the meaning of any of the art or designs on it. I cannot say anything meaningful about it.

So this time, the pictures really are going to have to speak for themselves.

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OK, on to other things.

This spiral stair well led down to a path outside the city walls. Actually a network of paths. I gather that it is a signposted trail of some sort.
I followed the trail part way around the hilltop, and down to the lower city to go back to my hotel.

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Inside or outside the city walls, you just have to stop for a minute now and then, and admire the Umbrian countryside rolling off into the distance.

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Say g'night to Orvieto.
Onward to Firenze!

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf