Thu 26.Jul.2018
Olbia, Sardinia, Italy

Will I get any Slovakia pictures posted while I am still in Slovakia?
Looks like a toss-up at this point.

Today's crop is from Sardinia, the first half of May..
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I forget who mentioned Sardinia to me. But I had never been there, and there were cheap flights from Spain. It sounded like a dancing lesson from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Sardinia is a big island with several regions. After some googling, I chose to explore Olbia, in the northwest of the island.

Got a room on an upper floor of what proved to be a nice indie hotel.
That squarish white tower across the water is the control tower at Olbia Airport.

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A plaza and a street were landscaped with sheets of actual grass turf, and - dare I say it - shrubberies! These disappeared before I left the island. Here is the street one going in.

And the Piazza Regina Margherita, around the corner from my nice hotel.

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The arguable main tourist street, sloping down to the harbor.

And a side street.


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I milked this fountain for a lot of shots.

Here are two.

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Eye of the World
Street art decorated several sides of what could have been a boring parking area behind some buildings near the station.

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The borderline-dyslexic part of me really wanted to take this sign as personal encouragement. On warm days, it faced me at an ice cream and pastry cafe.

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Let's go out with some old-fashioned fun in black and white!

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All content copyright 2018 Jeff Bulf