Fri 08.Jun.2012
Nürnberg, Germany

Wrapping up the loose ends from Nürnberg, and none too soon. I am antsy to write about where I am and what I am doing.

Sign Language
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These signs in Latin both adorn bridges. The same bridge? I don't remember.

The first is beyond my Latin.
Something about Caesar Augustus while his line lasts.

Charles the Sixth, August and Happy Pope, consecrated this bridge.
Senate and People of Nürnberg.

That's my take on it. Anybody who remembers Latin better than I, please chime in.

You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find native speakers to practice on.

From the breakfast room of my nice family-run hotel.
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Please don't hurry. We are at work, not on the run!

The Lord Mayor announces that beer will be brewed on Wednesday, and that therefore starting Tuesday, there will be no more shitting in the creek.

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Sweet... Mastery

Discover the real art of the barista!

Your guess is as good as mine.

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In Memoriam.

To the city's once thriving and respected Jewish community.

Another covered bridge.
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Next: Letter from Split
Prev: Nürnberg Beach -- Up: Table of Contents

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf