Wed 12.May.2010
Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic

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So what does Marienbad do with all these mineral-filled hot springs? Run them into pipes, and put taps all over the central area, usually inside some ceremonial structure.

This one is the Caroline Spring. A tap sits under the far end of this colonnade. A tap for a different spring is under the near end.

Access to the water is free. Just bring your own container. Beer mug, dixie cup, empty bottle of mineral water from a store... you can fill 'em up to your heart's content, or your intestines' capacity.

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Diet of Worms
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Of the many fountains around the center of town, the one outside the Caroline Spring is the most unusual.

What do these oddly graceful shapes represent? Snakes? Sperm? Bean sprouts?

You pays your money and you takes your choice.

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Representational or not, this structure is spellbinding for photographers. There should be a huge number of slinky abstract pictures in it.

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Looks like I am not the only photographer who thinks so.

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That is it for now, and this is probably my last post from Marianske Lazne.

Tomorrow morning I get the Czech Rail bus to Cheb, (the Tijuana of Bohemia) and change there to the Vogtlandbahn, the leisurely and charming local railroad that crosses the wooded mountains - and the unchecked border - to Plauen, Germany for the annual gathering of Grateful Deadheads.

Enjoy your mineral waters, everybody. And remember: it comes in, it must go out.

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