Sat 18.May.2013
Lovran, Croatia

For Austrians and Germans, Croatia is the great exotic vacation goal, like Hawaii and the Caribbean are for Americans. Somehow though, this travelers' wonderland is simply not on Americans' travel radar. Ask a hundred of your friends where they would go in Europe; betcha don't get a single "Croatia". Among Europeans themselves, it ranks in the top half-dozen.

Go figure!
It is convenient though; this little country's famous vacation regions are already packed in high season. If it were discovered by yet another major tourist group, hassles would multiply like teraflops on a supercomputer.

Around Home
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What a great sight to start the day! The forecast calls for the sun to be back tomorrow, and I for one will welcome it.

So, I imagine, will the sunbathers lying out on the rocks and concrete, thinking they are on the beach. They do have some excuse; the water in the Adriatic really is clear and beautiful.

My house here is knee-deep in potted plants and garden, as is most of the neighborhood. I gather that the Kvarner Gulf gets considerably more rain than the other, drier Croatian coasts of Istria and Dalmatia. This is certainly the most lushly grown part of the Adriatic that I know of.

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Another in my occasional series of accidental self-portraits. Not a clue how I took this one.

I was clearly standing by the grape arbor over the carport, though.

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seedlings, seeds, decorative ceramics, garden tools
Yes, sjemenje is "seeds", and no, I will not elaborate. My dictionary doesn't have butiga. Perhaps it is related to bodega (Sp.) or Boutique, i.e. "shop".

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Smoking Permitted
I suspect you know you are in the Balkans when you see a sign explicitly permitting smoking.

Your guess is as good as mine, what is meant by No Camels. Personally, I suspect the obvious cigarette pun, but I don't understand why. I suppose you could simply take it at face value, but that is redundant to say the least.

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Let's wind up this page with (yet) another stroll along the lungomare.

(You can't stop me... and why would you want to?)

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf