Fri 22.Apr.2011
Lisbon, Portugal

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What looks like the bay here is really the estuary of the river Tagus (Tejo in the local language). The Cais Sodré train station sits on the bank.

A cute wood-frame cafe sits by the station.

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The heart of the old city, in a low area between two hills, was demolished in the 1755 earthquake. The area was re-build on a rectangular grid pattern, something rare in old European cities.

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The slightly ogre-looking figure in this poster doesn't come through very well in the photo. I thought he looked curious.

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The Belém district, past the "Golden Gate" bridge, on the edge of the Atlantic proper, features some waterfront parks, and a famous picturesque old monestery,

Also a bombastic memorial to Portugal's colonial past.

It is good to find - these things now and then, if only to keep in perspective that the communists had no monopoly on massive self-importance. default alt text default alt text default alt text default alt text default alt text
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