Tue 14.Jun.2011
Hamburg, Germany

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Nothing like waking up to the Neanderthal Baseball Club! That is life in my little guest loft here in Germany's great old city.

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Hamburg centers around where the river Alster flows into the Elbe, about 50 km upriver (on the Elbe) from the North Sea. The Alster is the center of a park-like area.

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The plaza outside City Hall

City Hall itself.

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Near the beach west of town.

My wonderful local hosts steered me toward this delightful area that I might not have found on my own.

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Twenty or thirty years ago, the Elbe was so polluted that swimming was forbidden, to say nothing of suicidal. Much of that, though far from all, came from the former German Democratic Republic.

Today, the GDR is gone, and the Federal Republic did a major cleanup starting in the 1970's. Fish thrive in the river again, and this beach is a favorite leisure spot, especially with young folks.

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Hamburg is a famously green city, in the sense of lots of woods, parks, etc.

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The bee that was the centerpiece of this photo buzzed off before I got it taken. It is still a neat rose.

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