Sun 01.Nov.2020
Imagery - Oct 2007
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia

Fall Colors
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On the Adriatic coast, mid-October might almost still be Summer with fewer people.

A few hours drive inland, the mountains tell a different story!

Here in central Croatia, it is Fall Colors time!

Even on a dull, misty day, the eyes enjoy a feast.

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The colors are worth the drive - if I had known about them. As it was, they were pure serendipity.

When you think you have seen most of what Europe has to offer, come on up to Plitvice (PLEET-veet-seh) Lakes National Park. The fall foliage is only a sideshow.

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Geologically, this is limestone country - a southern extension of the ridge called Karst. Northwards, in Slovenia, the Karst has vast underground cavern complexes.

Here at Plitvice, the tops of those caverns are gone - eroded away or something. What is left is a chain of mountain lakes that cascade, tumble, and fall from each to the one below.

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A bewildering wetlands ecosystem grows amongst all this splashing and flowing.

A careful system of elevated walkways and electric flatboats enables visitors to wander though it all without destroying what they came to admire.

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A plaque beside one lake marks the site of the 1950's movie The Treasure of Silver Lake (Der Schatz Im Silbersee), based on a novel by Karl May.

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I think Claude Monet would have liked this place.

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf