Imagery - Rovinj, Croatia 2007

When you have cataract surgery, you don't do both eyes at once. It takes a month for the new lens to settle into the first eye, before you go ahead with the second.

I was prepared; I used the month to go from Poland down to Croatia for dental work.
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Rovinj perches on the west coast of the Istrian peninsula. Some visitors fly in to nearby Pula. I chose the bus that comes from Trieste, Italy.

A small, high promontory with harbors north and south. The Venetians marked their territory with one of their trademark bell towers on the hill top, and left a picturesque old town on the slopes below.

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My dental adventures dragged out over a week and a half, giving me opportunity for out-of-town excursions, including a boat trip to the Lim Fjord, as the tour operators like to call it. Geologists will explain that it isn't really a fjord. I won't nit-pick over words. It filled an afternoon nicely.

Multiple operators offer day excursions. I chose the one with the coolest-looking boat, and a map of our route.

See the far background of the picture map? The Kvarner Gulf, where I would discover the Opatija "Riviera" a year later.

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Fellow tourists, an amiable couple from Bavaria, front the old town skyline.

A twenty-minute stop to visit a hole-in-the-cliff cave.

Not a chain of caverns or anything. Those are a couple of hours away in the Slovenian Karst region.

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Goats live along the limestone cliffs of the fjord. Wild? Tame? I don't know.

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In mid-October, the evening light is falling on Rovinj old town by the time we return to port.

New Town
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The dental office, and the apartment I rented from them, are in the modern part of town - inland, about a mile from the cute touristy areas. Still a pleasant neighborhood; I even found a small supermarket there.

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I've always wanted to take a photo like this. Hooda thunk I'd get to do it in Croatia?!

The long shiny new autobahn tunnel to Opatija and the rest of Croatia.

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf