Fri 25.Sep.2020
Imagery - Lovran, Croatia - 2008 & 2013

We are still flashing back to the Adriatic, and the village of Lovran, near Opatija, Croatia.
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A stroll up the lungomare.


The cove at Ika,

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Three cities in three countries, all within 2 hours drive of Opatija.

Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Trieste (Italy)
Rijeka (Croatia)

(Notice that Croatians spell - and pronounce(!) - Trieste with fewer vowels than Italians use.)

Local Color
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Why travel in October?

In the Mediterranean, the worst of Winter is not yet here, the tourist hoards of midsummer are missing, and - in this village of Lovran - you may get the local chestnut festival; a weekend of clean family fun and hoopla in a parking lot across the street from my B&B!

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In more than one book, writer Lawrence Durrell has vivid descriptions of folk festivals. Bravo to him!

I don't write in Durrell's league. I'll let the pictures do my describing of the Lovran, Croatia Chestnut Festival!

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The Croatian name is Marunada, from maruna = "chestnut".
Maruna sounds a lot like the English color "maroon". Is it more than coincidence that the the German editions of Harry Potter always translate maroon as "chestnut-brown"?

Google Translate is no help on this; they have a completely different word for chestnut! Tough nuts, fella! That's what it is in these parts!

When the book and the bird differ, believe the bird!" - J. J. Audubon

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Sorry, I remember nothing at all about any of the musical acts!

They must have done the job; people were up and dancing!

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Life isn't all chestnut festivals. This handsome guy hangs out near the small supermarket. His attitude says he is a well-kept pet, not a street scrounger.

Homes over the cove at Ika.

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf