Sun 06.Jun.2010
Caen, Normandy, France
Off by train for a day trip to Bayeux,
a smaller town, closer to the sea.
Twenty minutes and here we are.
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A residential neighborhood lies between the station and the town center.

Does anybody know the story on these deep purple leaves. It is not rare to see a tree that looks normal, except that it's leaves are this color. I've seen it on different species of tree. How dey do dat?

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That is a foot bridge  across a drainage channel. Remarkable, non?

Noble Guesthouse, eh?

If they say so.

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It occurs to me that Frome (pronounced Froom), my soon-to-be destination in England, rhymes with dome, as in Domesday Book.
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Bayeux has a noteworthy  cathedral , and a famous thousand year old "tapestry" (actually a huge embroidery), which I hope to see in a few days.

Here is a bit of the cathedral, named - surprise - Notre Dame. Aren't they all in France?

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