Mon 03.Aug.2015
Bratislava, Slovakia

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Day trip packages to Bratislava? We must be in Vienna for the afternoon!

Little though you'd guess it from this garishly-painted Porsche parked on the super-elegant Opernring Boulevard.

We will be here for about half of this page.

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Gustav Klimt is a respected artist in many places, but only in Vienna are you likely to find a Megastore devoted to him. Really - he is a big tourist draw here!

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I just shoot 'em, folks! I don't make 'em up!

The same disclaimer applies to this van, parked near the above Porsche.

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Papa Haydn stands outside a church on Mariahilferstrasse, a major shopping street west of the center.

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Roman artifacts, on display in the Rochusgasse metro station on the U3 line.

Hot times in Bratislava. For the rest of the page we are back in the Slovakian capital, where there is a hot spell every other week or so. This particular sign tends to read a few degrees higher than the others when the weather is hot. Its counterpart down the street only claimed 41 degrees. Either way it is over 105 Fahrenheit. Let's hear it for short pants, sandals, and Slovakian ice cream!

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Is this one of the hotel boats on the Danube? Or a river cruise boat? A German-based line uses a similar logo on its cruise ships in the Aegean.

I don't know. I haven't even been back to see whether it is still there.

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Horský Park, a forested hillside canyon, hidden in a woodsy residential area of Bratislava. A web of trails from top to bottom and side to side allows me to make a good exercise walk from top to bottom and back. The packed dirt trails are easier on my old bones than concrete sidewalks. I choose the slope to give me better exercise than flat lands. You can't ask for a better compensation for something that could be just tedious work.

The return bus from Vienna drops me off right under the New Bridge. Sometimes I arrive in time for a good sunset.

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A flock of large cranes has been hanging out on a riverside ridge near the castle. This species of crane usually eats landscape, and excretes condos. We shall see.

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All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf