Wed 03.Jul.2013
Bratislava, Slovakia

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A fountain on the grounds of the Palace of Justice.
My apartment window peeks over the top of the hedge, just out of the picture to the right, in the mud-brown building.

My practice here in Bratislava has always been to spend 15  every week on a seven-day all-you-can-ride transit pass. Convenient as all get out, no question about it. This season, I have been doing some figuring...

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... My daily exercise walk now eliminates at least one transit ride. I could probably be saving 5 EUR a week or more, by carrying around a few single-ride tickets in my pocket. Seventy cents is good for 15 minutes and no transfers, ninety goes for an hour including transfers.

Starting next weekly cycle, I'll give it a try.

A Turko-Slovakian buffet, where the old proprietor remembered me. Last year he noticed me once, discretely injecting a hit of insulin before dinner. Was I in trouble? Far from it. He whipped an identical insulin pen from his pocket and grinned. It became a standing joke between us.

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A gate in the garden of the Blue Church

More standard "this is Bratislava" sights.
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Main Square
Simply and honestly named.

The inner court of the old city hall, the colorful building with a tower that you see in Main Square.

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Primate's Square
In front of the Primate's Palace.

The Primate's front entrance, catching the afternoon sunlight.

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Is anybody certain of the name for one of these peaked facades over the face of a building? Specifically over the main entry? I'm calling it a lintel unless somebody can correct me. In any case, this one is the Primate's.

Later: the right name turns out to be pediment. Now you know. (Thanks, Barb!)

The bridge - was it once a drawbridge? - crossing a bit of old moat into the bastion protecting St Michael's Gate.

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St Michael's Gate, seen from the bastion outside it, and the old city seen through it.

Unflappable Slovaks go on about their business, even as Martian heat rays attack their freeways.

Yoga Studio

Ranger's not gonna like it, Booboo.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf