Fri 03.Aug.2012
Bratislava, Slovakia

Part 2 of 3

So here I am: my famous park in Vienna turns out to be most famous an an amusement park.
There are plenty of people entertaining themselves here; the kids in particular seem to be having a ball.
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And there is no lack of bright colorful subjects for photos. Some seem to dance around on the retina like a pack of crayons on Viennese espresso.

Amusement rides seem to have become larger scale and a lot more hair-raising since I last rode such things. There are classical Wild Mouse and Floating Log, but also a good dozen or more contraptions that I am gay-runs ball-bay-runs never going to put this elderly bod into!

Some make eye-dancing pictures though. Like this railroad-sized camshaft on DMT.

You have to see this demented giant porch swing in action to appreciate the sheer unthinkabity of actually riding it. Not that that kept the teenagers from doing exactly that.
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Once it gets going, the swing seat flips upside-down at the top of the arc.

For a young couple who want to ditch their parents for a few minutes, you can't beat this thing.

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This picture has no business even being a photograph! It looks like something my artist friend Suzanne would get paid (one can only hope) for painting on a wall in Rhodes.

You can't argue with reality though, even if we left the realistic world back at the entrance near Madame Tussauds. This is a strong day for stuff you couldn't make up, though somebody obviously has.

You can see this tower from the freeway near Vienna airport. I never knew what it is before.
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These pictures evoke for me a minor story by the major old science fiction writer Cordwainer Smith.

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Waddyaknow - let's hear it for calm and sanity!

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The Wilde Maus as dusk approaches.

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The streets have names. This one is Third Man Way.

Speaking of The Third Man... on reflection, the Giant Wheel might not be a great place to be when the Big One hits, as you can see in this analog simulation..

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf