The Sunset Ceremony
People come in from all over the island to trek out to the westernmost tip of Oia and watch the sun set. Sometimes the sun stands them up. This evening, for example, the sun disappeared behind the incoming clouds just before it reached the horizon.

But that is almost beside the point. It is a great shared social experience just to be there.

The bus is oblivious to all this. The last bus back to Fira departs at 6:50 Saturday or 4:50 Sunday. It is a 10 Euro taxi ride back to Fira for thems without package tours or their own wheels... or digs in Oia. Even 7:50 Mon-Fri is pushing it. Sunset point is a hefty hike from the bus station.
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A watched sun never sets. An impatient photographer can use exposure settings and silhouettes to hasten the effect.

Meanwhile, a sunny day means more images of an exotically lovely town.
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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf