Are any of these pictures really necessary? Do they add anything to what I've posted from Rhodes already? I dunno. But they made it through a tedious evening reviewing photos, and I am by jumbo going to get some use out of them.

Anyway, posting them will clear Rhodes off the table so that I can put my attention on Turkey for a few weeks.

First off, some floral moat-dwellers,

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On the plaza just inside the main gate of the old city, on a cruise ship day. Looks a lot like one of the plaza areas in  Adventureland or New Orleans Square in Disneyland.

And here is the graceful white minaret of the Ibrahim Mosque, as seen from my hangouut at Hermes internet, ice cream, and pastry cafe. Looks almost ready for launch.  

In another month, that trellis will probably be too filled with leaves to see through.

A scientific model, showing that the world is made of rocks. (An ancient discovery attributed to local scholars.) My laptop puter, in its carrying case, is included for scale.

This weed in the moat backlights to a lovely golden rust shade that defies my efforts to photograph it.

It comes close if you can view the photo against a black background. (Opera browser in "full-screen" mode (F11)   will do that when you click on the image. )

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This purely decorative birdcage hangs at an outdoor cafe in the park that surrounds the moat that surrounds the walls that surround the old city.

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf