defaultaltMassive twin rook-towers flanking city gate
Rhodes would never try to imitate any other city, not even proud Dubrovnik. (Remember Dubrovnik?) Some of these massive city gates are a bit reminiscent though.
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This tickles my funnybone. A broken stone wall. Is the broken section boarded up? No. It is covered up with fiberglass imitation stone walling, which itself eventually breaks.

The fiberglass "stones" glow golden, giving them a "wet" appearance, when the sun is behind them. 

Another in our ongoing series of side-lit trees. This time the tree looks to me like a sycamore. It definitely is not our usual palm. So I'm inconsistent. "I am large. I contain multitudes."


Clothes dummy w/ reflections of shoopers on the main tourist street defaultalt
Reflections in a shop window on the Via Trampaturistas, officially Socratous St.
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If god hadn't meant you to have stairs, he wouldn't have made rocks.
The exit from my front door.

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf