Is this really a photo report on Rhodes?
From Rhodes yes, but about? These pictures don't tell you much about the place.

Most are just neat enough pictures that could have been taken almost anywhere.

You see though, that the whitewash and loopy, cascading town layouts are gone. Suntanned sandstone and limestone  is the color of Rodhos. And we are back to a sort of "normal" maze of medieval streets.

Toto, I don't think we're in the Cyclades any more.

Actually, Rhodes Town looks and feels less like a Greek island, and more like the start of the Middle East.
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Young woman reading on the top stair at the town wallwhite-haired man sitting on a low wall with some visitors
At the bottom of these stone stairs is a mass of souvenir shops and
overpriced mediocre restaurants, many with very aggressive touts out front urging you in.

A peaceful place to read above the fray has real class.

The old man on the stone bench is the caretaker of the local synagogue, the grounds of which are open to the public.

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Most streets are paved with large pebbles. Often, light and dark pebbles are combined to make designs in the pavement.

As usual with old mazes of twisty littlle passages, it is real easy to get lost. One thoughtful homeowner has saved visitors the trouble of asking the way back to the port, the central hub and reference point here.
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My very classy and friendly boutique hotel, run by Lee, the perfect host and local informant.

plug for The Spot Hotel

My three days here have been the most rewarding busting of my budget I can recall. Still, they are busting the budget, so I am moving tomorrow to cheaper digs just inside the town wall.

The cheap guys claim to have in-house wireless too, so I should be able to report from there on how I am.

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf