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Where the sidewalk butts up against the sea, there are holes for the water to drain back into the ocean when the waves get uppity enough to jump the seawall.

the things you never knew you need!


Your guess is as good as mine.

This vaguely melted looking church is probably the most postcarded single structure in Mykonos. It is really an amalgam - an architectural shotgun wedding of four small chapels.

This couple are taking a picture into a small chapel on the harbor.
I'm taking a picture of them taking their picture.

Two of the classier art-for-tourists shops.

Like many others in town, these shops were still closed for the winter on the rainy afternoon I arrived. By the time I left six days later, they were being polished up, painted, trimmed, and put through their paces in "dress rehersal" for the upcoming high season.

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf