Jackie Collins paperback next to Montenegrin flag family group in plazadog sleeping on grasspeople leaving city through old stone tunnelTwo-storey house with palmsRiver channeled along wall of the old cityshadow of wrought-iron rail on staircasebay, through bare tree branchesrusty gate to recess in stone wallarched entry to Restoran Klub Mediteranshop awning Opitika Monokl
A double fistful more photos from Kotor before I leave tomorrow. Few if any have redeeming educational (or even artistic) value, but each is fun to me in some way.

Christmas (Dec 25) has proved no hassle at all, at least not in ways I expected. Most shops are open as usual, as are cafes and my internet connection at the sports bar.

The bells of the many churches,, and the drunks of the many all-night bars, took it in turns to go ape shit for most of  the hours between midnight and about 4:00am last night. That was the most obvious impct of Dec 25.

My nice host mama was puttering as usual in the kitchen when I arose, and offered me coffee as usual.  When I wished her Merry Christmas she returned the greeting, but explained to me later that today is not Christmas for her.  Her Christmas is January 7. Orthodox, that is, which goes along with the cyrillic alphabet on her door plate.

So Merry Ecksmas to all you westerners out there, for today is it.

Happy Holiday from nine hours in The Future.

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf