Out to see more of the town.
mirror in stairwell, reflectinf part of the reception countersculptures and brassworks

No place to start like your hotel, and a nearby shop window.

The Agora - the market district. indoor corridor, many butcher stalls10 kinds of olives on display
caged green parakeets

The meat and fish section is roofed over, and covers a whole city block. Aisle after aisle of local color.

Across the street are the fruits, veggies, birds, bakeries, tools, supplies, you name it. A given street tends to specialize in one category of shop.

- the shell-shock ward.
immigrant good shjop and matching clientele.
At the corner of Sophocles and Socrates, things become grittier and borderline menacing, The guidebook described this as a neighborhood of immigrants and excellent ethnic dining. What I found was the district of junkies preparing and shooting up on the sidewalk (two different sidewalks, without my even looking for it), unfriendly-looking Africans, and an ambience that said cameras were distinctly cosa non grata.

No more pictures for a while.

Circumnavigating the Acropolis
old man sitting on a wall, dogs sleeping, couple neckingyrs trly in fronnt of stone amphitheaterAcropolis ruins, corner of Parthenon
Here y'are - see I do know what Athens pictures are s'posed to look like. Actually, this is the best Parthenon picture I managed. A nice fellow-tourist offered to give me my image in front of Herod Atticus' Amphitheater. The old man, young couple, and dogs were outside said Amphitheater, and too good not to record.

Plaka back to Monastiraki
i forget it's name - looking from above Plakabrown stone church near Monastiraki
Here is another of those brown stone churches, visible through a wrought iron fence,

That's it. G'night from a bar in Mykonos. I have pix from here too.

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf